
Hinweis auf vierten Thesaurus-Visualizer

"In our presentation, we will give a detailed demonstration of how Jambalaya and PROMPTViz can be applied to the NCI Thesaurus." (Quelle [PDF], Seite 3, linke Spalte, Abschnitt 6: "A Case Study", Satz 1)

Bildunterschrift: "Figure 4: Selecting a subset of the NCI Thesaurus to visualize." (dieselbe Quelle wie oben, Seite 3, linke Spalte, Ende der Seite)

"We will also demonstrate how we can make use of customization and end user programming facilities to improve how the NCI Thesaurus is visualized based on our knowledge about that domain." (dieselbe Quelle wie oben, Seite 3, rechte Spalte, Absatz 2)

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